The information I am attaching here came to me during a strong energetic session that happened to me this week.
Written from trance channeling, memories and direct experiences.
As usual - beings to whom this information does not speak, who will scroll through Netflix movies and not continue reading.
This world, just like the other worlds, was created out of neutrality,
The duality.
Infinite light and infinite darkness in the infinity settings.
These days there really is a calibration of a different reality on the globe and it is completely built from the human vibration.
That is, from your energy.
Earth dynamics change from 3D density to D5 density.
The change now is inevitable because of the splitting of the worlds.
My husband and I have been on white alchemy for a long time, white alchemy is a white sexual tantra within a sacred relationship and marriage, where you don't get spilled and lose energy, and it activates a chariot of six dimensions, and we teach this extensively.
During this period the bodies of light open up and all kinds of wonderful gifts happen that the physical body and the earthly body receive.
Among Haytar, memories that happen simultaneously on several planes, past, present and future and everything happens simultaneously in terms of land, you have the ability to travel through several planes of time in real time and see interesting details, because everything is happening now.
The population of this planet was carried out on several levels
In simple words by several dimensions, in order to check the frequency of neutrality on a neutral planet.
Each planet has the bodies adapted to it, therefore each time one has to go through an initiation of an external structure, an emotional structure, a metallic structure, etc.
There are entities that come from a layer of energy without a body, and therefore one has to go through getting used to the planet through these structures.
Each planet and each layer has its own laws.
Lawfulness in this sphere is completely different from lawfulness in other layers, for example emotions, in a large number of planets there are none, but there are other things.
This ball is an experiment for a certain species in which an intervention was made in the human gene, and therefore it was decided that certain beings, representatives of several planets and several layers, would come in order to investigate what is happening on this planet, because a change was made here by an intervention in the human gene.
The human consciousness in this sphere is imprisoned in a material body and what dictates its life experience are emotions that activate vibrations and a spectrum of frequencies.
The radiation of the emotions of the people of the world of darkness, shocks the earthly body that "must" do survival and self-defense actions, thus it increases the emission of the energy of the bodies of light within the human body, through an emotional loss of energy, and this is the "food" of the dark beings within this world, Since dark entities do not know how to generate energy themselves, they drive the bodies of light by heightened emotions, thus consuming energy on a constant basis.
This world is built from a constant maximum appeal of emotions.
To your question, what are "energy guzzlers".
This place was not a world of oblivion millions of years ago, it was like the other layers of the spheres in different places, that is, every being and every creature of this earth had the authority to carry its life load, from place to place, and from body to body, it was hers.
This is the reason that at the moment of death you "receive" your essence back as long as you are there, is because you are not connected to the body and therefore you see your memory baggage from ages ago.
When the body dies, there is no desire and the emotions cannot be considered, because there is no body, it is only light that lives within the "being", it has no need to realize its desire when it is not imprisoned in the earthly body that requires all of this.
There are souls who do not go to the source of light after death, they have accumulated too much Deadline of negative experiences and amplifying negative signals, collecting karma, and increasing negative energies by activating heightened emotions and energetic emptying of souls in this world, and they have to pay for it in the limbo world.
This sphere was mixed by several species of beings who brought here an energetic seal that contains their gene, that is, the human beings have a genetic mixture that was seeded by these beings, you can understand this by the external appearance of the inhabitants of several countries, they all have the same structure, That is, they are from the insemination of a certain species of beings, they are its children in the genetic mixing.
Only with a small minus. amnesia.
Humanity does not remember who it is.
You have no way to interpret your states of consciousness from the higher dimensions when you are immersed in conscious oblivion of who you are, what you are, where you came from, and what your mission is here.
You are eternal spiritual beings, having temporary human earthly experiences,
Or rather, were supposed to be temporary.
Because if you are in the form of infinite light, you do not have the finitude that is inherent in the earthly world, there is no wear and tear of the body, no diseases, no death.
But the beings of light were stuck here by the emotional mixing, and thus their infinite vibration was lowered to the bottom, to the necessary minimum.
And so the splitting of the new sphere is happening these days, because we have reached a point of no return where we need to re-evolve to the next level of future consciousness.
In order for there to be a species here that is controlled by those creators, it is appropriate in the eyes of these beings that the species they created should not carry the full memory load from body to body.
When all the dots are connected to one body of light, there will no longer be a controlled species here, but a thinking species with sovereignty over itself.
This was not the intention when humans were seeded here after the last exterminations, during the time of Atlantis and Moria they knew exactly who they were. And the planet was embodied in higher layers,
After the extinction of these civilizations, the frequency of the planet dropped, the inseminations happened
And it was supposed to be a world of slavery.
And slavery is created from a place where you don't know you are in prison until you find out for yourself and try to break free from it.
When the beings of light would move from world to world in order to investigate it and bring the dry data to the upper councils, neutral data from direct experiences, it was decided to check this world and what the beings who started to sow residence here are interested in doing in it.
As I wrote, this world was not a world of oblivion, every being had the permission to carry the memory load with them from place to place.
Therefore, before every entry into this world, a memory reset and initialization is done.
There are a large number of "bots" here who wander from incarnation to incarnation and do not ask the question of who they are and what they are doing here, they have no longing, or desire to explore beyond the earthly senses,
It's just not in their programming.
They are pre-programmed to live, eat, breed, work and die and do it over and over again with every reboot of a new body.
You have heard about the three volunteer waves of souls who received "activation".
And they arrived, because the timeline has already destroyed itself several times against universal human law.
We are inside mother earth, which is a living and clean entity in itself and these days is undergoing a massive cleansing of all the frequencies that polluted it.
So she performs a shake.
When beings of light from other planets came here, they came with a different code, they took into account that when they came down to this planet and their light would mix inside a host human body, the genetic load would touch them, so they came with one more component that is not included in the human gene.
They came here with a hidden gene, and this gene is hidden inside their consciousness long before they reach the moment of birth, in fact this gene is activated from the source they come from and it is a firewall that cannot be breached.
Here is a promo:
If you experience headaches, weakness, fatigue and more, there is an attempt to enter your code that you came with, you are on a divine code, and it is not adapted to the matrix, therefore there will be attempts to penetrate this gene to "move it out of the field".
You will feel that your head is being rummaged through, and that is completely normal.
We teach our students how to create upper layer protections, where the protection of your light is stronger.
Through the ages beings of light have arrived here with the hidden gene that is within their light body, so the second they are born into a body with the defective earthly gene, the divine hidden gene begins to operate.
This gene, depending on who comes from where and from which layer, contains a different number of helices than in the human body.
So while humanity knows about one helix of DNA within the earthly body, there are actually 12 helices,
You know and have heard of some of them, extrasensory vision, extrasensory hearing, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, channeling, extracorporeal exits and more.
The beings of light who have come to put the connections back together know this.
They came with 24, and 48 coils, they know the formula to activate the coils
And they activate them by a chariot - the Star of David - an upper triangle and a lower triangle - man and woman
That is, sexual alchemy.
From the place where humanity is born and created, where they come to repair and return.
One of the shining beings who came up with the matter was the prophet Elijah, who when he discovered the deed of a chariot, before it was destroyed, the beings of light took him back home to the source, humanity was not yet ready to receive this information.
A number of beings of light in a human body are mentioned who did this, meaning they reached a state of jinn, connecting bodies, tried to teach humanity to make a chariot, and in return humanity killed them.
The Chariot is produced by beings of light who arrived as one entity in two earthly bodies, you call it twin souls, twin flames, and they together by connecting energetically, emotionally, spiritually, and sexually, produce an alchemical compound that produces and connects the coils back into 48 coils, together, and they produce Chariot of six dimensions.
They came here to fix the connections, and they are creating a strong energy field not only for them, but it is their mission, to connect all the connections of the beings that have descended into the world of oblivion, back,
And only by an energetic code that they activate together and awaken in the souls around them the remembrance of who they are, they by the activation code that they produce, they remind the souls of their lost knowledge and the ability to get their memory back.
Now here comes the human confusion.
When twin pairs descend into this world, they are called indigo twins.
And they are always male and female, in order to produce a chariot.
They were born different - Matrix exceptions.
They carry a different genetic load in the composition of the source they come from.
There are twins who come from 9th density dimensions and there are twins from 12th density dimensions and so on, each according to the mission of bursting the amnesia bubble that is happening on this planet.
Twin Flames or Earth Twins as humanity likes to call them.
This particular connection will not happen if you have not arrived in advance for this particular task.
Humanity can have spiritual connections, dharmatic connections and more, very beautiful connections for a peaceful and happy harmonious life.
The magical connections are drama-free between them, but they are constantly subjected to attempts at extinction and destruction by the beings of darkness on this planet, so that energetic, earthly, and physical attacks from an external source are something common in every incarnation of these couples.
Together with the indigo twins, 144,000 dark beings were sent here at the same time in exactly the same number, they are also twins, they are also very strong energetically, and they are also male and female who have united or are on the way to unite.
They are here to make sure that the secret to fixing the human gene does not come to fruition.
You remember the law of neutrality - balance.
It is very easy to recognize them.
They will doubt you, create an emotional flaw in you and feed off your energy by emotionally manipulating your flaws and remind you of this over and over in a veneer of light, i.e. darkness in disguise, and meeting them or talking to them makes you cringe.
for the simple reason,
If you vibrate at low enough frequencies, you are bound to the old paradigms of the low vibration of the old world, and thus you lock yourself in yourself.
Signs for running a chariot in indigo twins are simple.
They are similar externally
They have the same talents
They go through life scenarios in sync at the same times
They are engaged together in the same occupation of their passion
There never was or ever will be a fight or conflict
The love between them crosses universes and nothing can separate them, they love everything about each other and every day the love between them grows stronger.
They will never have a question about their relationship, whether it is true or not.
They have memories from previous incarnations, often from other planets
There is a very strong physical attraction and sexual compatibility between them.
They have channeling abilities and access to higher dimensions as freely as old housemates.
Among them, entrance to the astral, the Akashic cipher, Amanti halls and more.
They have great knowledge of additional dimensions and they pass it on with great dedication.
The indigo twins are mentioned in several places, as you have heard about the 144000.
These are volunteer indigo twins.
They bring a different coded sequence that is built into them, and together they activate a chariot in sexual alchemy within a sacred relationship, therefore the harmony between them is free of conflicts,
they are one
For what?
They bring the formula for enlightening the bodies of the human soul, freeing the human soul from the cycle of suffering and spiritual and earthly emotional mental slavery, and convey this knowledge to all souls.
This ball has reached its limit in terms of feelings and actions that go against universal law.
After there was an intervention here in terms of the human gene, a dome of amnesia was created and it is getting thicker every day.
Not only around the planet, but within humanity itself.
Within each and every one of them, a layer of low-frequency consciousness amnesia is created, of anger, hatred, jealousy, etc., which creates more layers around you and seals your glowing aura from entering divine information.
So these are most of the emotions currently ruling the world, and everything in this world will fuel it to keep you asleep:
Porn, violent films, commercials full of desires, financial debts, demonstrations, politics, wars, emotional dramas and more.
There are beings in a human body on this planet who begin to remember who they are and begin to arrange the divine gene within the human gene within them, thus they spread positive frequencies that repair energy fields around them.
They begin to remember and illuminate the bodies, connect all the connections and become one with the source.
And when the source is remembered, the lie of the illusion of the world explodes, they are no longer afraid, they lower the bar of their desires, there is no anger or jealousy or hatred, and their divine frequency rises and receives activation.
But there are the rulers of this world, and not only in the earthly sense, they also come in dark energy formations in a human body and they have found a solution to the ruling frequency, in which they leave the souls of the world slaves forever.
And slaves from the sense of humanity who go to work where they don't want to, don't earn enough to live, drown in debts that intensify day by day, and are not subject to their free will, they create conditions of low frequencies and thus they leave the glowing souls in the dark within themselves.
So you actually work and work constantly, and give your energy to the rulers of this layer forever and ever, and in return you get...nothing.
You give your energy so that you will continue to live temporarily and continue to pay for it from incarnation to incarnation.
There is the law of the universe, so that from incarnation to incarnation you accumulate not only worldly debts but also....karma. Spiritual duties.
A situation has arisen that this humanity owes on several levels and they roll here again and again to pay taxes on several levels.
And if there is no awakening in them, it will continue like this again and again within the circle of incarnations in the bodies.
The beings who volunteered to come here understood that something had to be done, and in cooperation with the Supreme Councils, a small number of volunteers were sent here to activate the dormant code within them, thus freeing souls from the endless circle in which they were imprisoned.
The rulers of the world realized that there was an intrusion and intervention of supreme councils and they brought their entities to get rid of these volunteers.
It is clear to you that they do not want anyone to wake up, and it is better for everyone to remain old slaves who give endless energy to these rulers.
And so the period of greatest awakening recently, was during the vaccination period of the "corona epidemic" which caused many souls to ask questions
The main goal was to thin out the population, to keep the most obedient, and those who did not meet the requirements were deleted so that they would return here again in a new body according to the same law of reincarnations.
No one really dies, once you enter that wheel, you are theirs.
The body dies and is born again, so the main idea is to dilute the "remembers", so that there will be another reboot of the gene that will be born into a world where intervention in the gene will be the norm, every baby receives this technology for their body, these days, in every hospital in the whole world.
This intervention creates a layer inside the human gene and envelops it.
This layer is the layer of amnesia and energetic eating and it is activated up to the level of wrapping the cell molecules.
That is, if you have this intervention, it is already within your DNA sequence.
Don't worry, there is a solution for this.
And so the volunteers who came here understood the scam, and none of them have this genetic intervention in their body, to release the forgetful from this circle.
Throughout history until recently, these rulers have the dark entities that reveal to them who the volunteers are, and they do everything they can to get rid of them.
Many of the people of light have been eliminated throughout history, exterminated, tortured and killed, separated from their twins, often by destroying one twin to break the energetic continuum they created together.
The entities that are in charge of the new world order, are dark entities that have taken command here over large periods of time, they are in senior ranks in supreme councils and they can also come from higher dimensions in order to intercept other transmitters/communications that are trying to bring balance to this world.
The High Councils understood what was happening on this planet,
They anticipated all the events of time that exist here, they brought volunteers from higher layers of consciousness in order to break the streak of oblivion created by beings from a lower dimension.
It could be said that the amnesia was carefully designed to be superimposed on this dimension, so that the higher beings of light when they arrived here, would remember nothing of the dimension they came from.
The indigo twins came with structured information, from different councils - about the human gene and the divine gene, and the souls who heard their energetic call, come to learn and experience how to pass this information on and on. and crack the dormant code.
Most of them are telepathic, healers, mind readers, psychics, psychics and more.
They have been this way since childhood, they did not study anywhere, and did not undergo any extrasensory training to be like this, they are structured in this way and therefore the code inside them is a code that is not adapted to the matrix world.
The Matrix doesn't like it when they start spreading the information of the sleeper's note, and it starts manipulating to destroy them in several stages:
• Penetrating the emotional space
• Emotional manipulations
• Energy pumping
• Confirmation of energetic emptying
• Energetic attacks when the light body and the physical body are weak.
The main purpose of the matrix -
Controlling material, money, keeping humanity in the configuration of slaves, and eating human energy by increasing signals of debt, fear, hatred, jealousy and lust, increased sexuality, control and power, advertisements, media, politics, wars, and increasing the low frequencies within humanity.
You have a huge light within you that creates through your consciousness, so when enough souls think negatively on negative frequencies, that is what creates and creates this layer.
And this creation needs a positive critical mass to produce change.
They will not allow humanity to discover the truth of who they are, on the contrary, there will be no possibility of creating conditions for spiritual memories, in fact they make sure of this from infancy when they put the children in kindergartens and schools where the children are not taught anything about the source they come from, but only on dry data of survival.
The purpose of the Indigo Twins - after the union:
Closing the chariot, illuminating the bodies of light that are, from the world of oblivion, activating the secret genetic code from them by learning from zero memory points and direct human experience, from there come the memories of what and who they are - and spreading the information to other souls, how to do it too.
Closing the chariot produces such a strong energy field that bursts the amnesia bubble and sets the souls free.
The second souls have recollection of the infinite light that they are, who they are, where they come from, and what they are doing here, they will no longer be slaves, they will be sovereign to their memory taken from them, and they will be able to perform multidimensional actions.
The world has reached the point of no return, and the mental interference with the memory sovereignty of humanity has reached the end point.
This is the tip of the iceberg of what is happening and what will happen next.
This information came up in the lives of many beings of light who came here throughout history.
As you understand,
There's no fear in us when it comes to that point, and we're taking it out on learning these days.
Because every soul has the right to know and remember.
With compassion and love
Orelia Shailan
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