The Book of Life & Death - part 21 Whether we admit it or not, we all have models through which we perceive reality. A path, ideology or concepts that other people offer, to interpret external events and internal psychology. With the exception of a few free thinking entities in the world, the logic through which the majority of the collective operates, are nothing more than a projection and expression of culture and time. People like to think they have free will, without knowing the inner mental layers that exist within them but are hidden from sight, without awareness that their desires, beliefs and pride are the product of a dictated reality. And so it happens that every culture takes a mandate on the truth, produces systems of ideology, propaganda and educates those concepts further. If you travel to different countries, you will be able to notice without any effort, the fact that each culture perceives reality through completely different models. Endless different truths, traditions, and all of them were apparently written in the last 6000 years. In each generation we add more and more layers of interpretation and editings that are always adapted to the relative truth of each culture. Today we can see films about historical events in the cinema, but all of them are influenced by the perception of contemporary culture, and serve as a tool to convey politics and messages that are relevant to the current period. How can we ever know the source of all the information we are being taught? All the information passed from hand to hand over thousands of years. Did they all remain in their authentic structure? We can't know. At least not by conventional means. At the same time, what we can clearly see, is that in our time, Western culture tends towards objective science and a psychology of political correctness that censors people from speaking. On the other hand, the cultures of the East are more inclined towards the preservation of religion, ideology and tradition, and it seems that none of the parties succeeds in bridging the conflicts of all the camps. Why is it happening? Why is there so much difference in perceptions? What motivates one relative truth to transform into a completely different truth?
There are a variety of esoteric models that can give us the first steps of alchemy. Each model has a significant role in the wiring and assimilation of new systems of perception with the help of which reality can be contained in a much less amorphous and more comprehensible way. Esoteric models are maps and keys by which we can understand creation, the development of psychology, vibrations, the beginning of the universe and the development of races. Each esoteric model provides us with another piece of the puzzle with which we can begin to assemble the big picture regarding the science of life and death. Through learning, practicing and practicing alchemy, we will be able to identify where we and others are located in the spiritual journey and what are the lessons and future challenges that we will have to overcome.
In the following chapters I will give you the most practical and effective pieces of the puzzle that I have collected on my journey of investigation. A model is never reality. A model is just a model. One model cannot provide us with the whole picture. Perceiving reality through one model is ideology. Esoteric models are not gnostic and thus have holes and errors in them. And yet, after many years of experience in conveying the esoteric concepts to many students, I am aware that they make a radical change in human perception. Radical change and internal psychological revolution is exactly what we want to achieve in the first stages of spiritual development. A new concept leads people to upgrade their thinking patterns and embrace new actions that take them out of the cyclical loop, to the embodiment of possibilities and change. No person is exposed to this information and remains indifferent to it. The best way to implement models is to accept their limits without falling into the poles of blind acceptance or determined resistance. After all, relative truth is fluid and ever changing. At any point in time, there are models through which different cultures perceive truth. People research and publish books about the same 'truth', but then a scientific revolution happens. There is a new discovery that turns the old absolute truth into an irrelevant myth. It happens all the time. A truth that was considered as a fact 2000 years ago, can be considered as a subject of ridicule today, and with the scientific and technological acceleration, the truths today change every few years, and according to many predictions, an era will soon come when information will double itself every few days. What does this say about the truths that humanity clings to today? What does this say about all the ideologies and opinions we currently cling to? Are the beliefs according to which we live today, destined to find themselves in the trash collection of human ideas? What will happen when you find out that everything you relied on in terms of information was aimed to make you unconscious? Exotic content will take you straight to arrogance and Pride about other people's ideas. What can we conclude about the true direction humanity is going? Is there any map through which we can consciously navigate ourselves through the events of life and understand the meaning of the metaphors during the journey? Is there information that can withstand the test of time in a consistent way, and that is not influenced by current politics or promoting the interests of one group or another?
There are endless theories that have been presented to humanity under the auspices of thinkers from a wide range of religious, national authorities, social, theological or scientific schools, regarding reality and evolution, starting with theories of natural selection, the big bang, cosmic inflation, religious or Machiavellian theories, mythologies that involve a group of gods or one god in their stories, that are involved in the human drama, psychological and philosophical development theories and many others but all of them fail to provide a clear understanding or order of the principles of reality and what it includes within it. The holy trinity of body - soul - spirit, wes reduced during the dominant period of religions to 2 aspects: body - soul, which resulted in the strengthening of the duality between man and God. In the absence of spirit humanity has reached a state of rationalization about heinous acts in the name of some relative truth, while at the same time being completely blind to the layers of karma that play a larger collective role. Later, science took another step and removed the concept of "soul" as well, thus leaving humanity with a meager and limited world of concepts, which only refers to physiological and measurable phenomena, but ignores the metaphysical meaning or the different dimensions that drive the narrative of everything. A physical measurement only, is an even smaller piece of information, in comparison to what actually exists. This physical layer is just the peel of the fruit. The peel is never the fruit. To reach our multidimensional truth, we have to go beyond the peel, through the peel.Are human beings really born into a "tabula rasa" as the world of science and western psychology like to dictate to humanity? Did everything just appear randomly, by chance and there is no meaning or reason why there are people who are born with different abilities and talents that others do not have access to? Why are there aspects or information that feel completely natural to us compared to others to which we have no affinity? After all, we all have the same limbs, the same digestive system, the same pair of eyes. How can it be that each of us develops so differently, at a different pace, with a completely different world of concepts? Is it arbitrary? Through this book, and your life's journey, you are about to discover that nothing in our experience is arbitrary. Arbitrariness, randomness or chance, these are just misunderstood universal principles. In order for us to allow ourselves the assimilation of the esoteric world, the best place to start is one that provides us with a gateway and a clear enough linear direction, so that we can finally understand human beings and the role they play in the multidimensional experience. Luckily there are some models that do a great service as the first stepping stones through which you can begin to connect all the dots together, and they are going to change your perception of consciousness forever. The first model on which we will begin to elaborate, is a gateway that provides a map that will open all the other maps for you. The model of the development of human values or the Spiral Dynamics model of Claire Graves, gives us the first step in gaining clarity about humanity, what motivates populations, decisions of groups and individuals, what are the values through which people perceive concepts such as truth and morality. The uniqueness of this model is expressed in an elegant mapping of cognitive development, not only at the collective level, but also at the individual level. Each of you is on the axis of the model. With the help of this model you will be able to identify the world of values of every content and every idea that you hear personally or indirectly. The model gives meaning to past dilemmas that you had to overcome in order to reach the current state of awareness, but also forecasts the future dilemmas that you will have to face, in order to ascend and move to more advanced stages of values and consciousness. Each stage of the spiral contains within it a whole world of human perceptions, psychology, insights, means and tools, through which people live and perceive their lives. The spiral model is a scientific model researched by Claire Graves, and the two researchers who incorporated the model into the book are Don Edward Beck and Christopher Kawan. The model is based on more than 40 years of research in the field of developmental psychology and gives us a very interesting view of how our world of values changes throughout life. My intention in writing these chapters is not to repeat other models word for word, but to present to you the way to use and apply the principles of the models in a practical and accessible way, to produce a concrete transformation and to provide you with a stable bridge into the world of spirituality. At the same time, it is important to understand that this is an esoteric but not gnostic model. It does not refer to higher levels of cosmic laws, but provides an objective view of the human developments that can be seen in our history. If you find our content helpful, please share so that others can enjoy it as well.
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