In order to delve further into the death of your essence, we need to know how we better understand ourselves,
we need to understand what is the matrix, from a slightly different point of view.
The conventional definition of the matrix is: An illusion you believe in.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is clear that there is a further depth beneath all this.
The human consciousness that is clothed with an earthly body.
It is a temporary astronaut suit.
However, when we enter this suite, the illusion of this world is so strong,
and the suffering is so immense, that the brain creates many layers of opinions, identities, likes and dislikes, fears and misconceptions,
all of which deny us, from seeing the truth. Who we really are.
To simply put: people are so busy with the hassles of "life", so invested in their dramas and daily conflicts, that their original light and essence become very dimm, and so, people, today more than ever, forgot who they really are, where did they come from, what are they doing here and how to get out.
Within the third dimension, our original consciousness is having a struggle. People get fascinated with their body, their finances, their spouse, global and local events, the news, so they keep creating more and more ideas, just to make some sense of what’s happening with their lives.
But we are much more than that. Our consciousness has tremendous power. With it, we can create, manifest, heal others and ourselves.
Our consciousness is like an organic internet.
We can get any information, and even communicate with spiritual beings that are not perceived by physical eyes and ears.
That's how strong our original consciousness is.
However, we forgot how to use it.
Everyone is forming their views of the world, and then barricades themselves with strong beliefs. Not letting new perspectives come and go. People are stuck with their own mind.
Want to check for yourself?
Here's what you can do,
Show an abstract painting to one person - he will describe to you what he sees from his point of view
Show the same picture to another person - he will see the picture differently
Continue like this with every person on this planet - and you will get countless different points of view on just one painting.
If you Go further into human psychology - you will find people who are filled with anger, pride and desires.
Show them the same pictures and they will try to convince everyone else, to agree with their view.
Go even further - and you will find people who are willing to destroy anyone who dares to see overwise.
This is how religions and numerous destructive sects were created throughout the ages.
But what happens when there is a pattern and hidden meaning inside any image or other phenomenons?
Anyone with a sharp awareness will see the deeper meaning of every event.
Even if the views will be slightly different, the meaning will lead you to the same place.
But, what happens when you are not allowed to have an independent view?
What happens when all you get is built-in, hidden templates that are designed by someone else, By external authorities that dictate to others?
how to think and how to behave?
This is the fundamental understanding of how the Matrix works.
As you expand in consciousness, the pattern becomes more and more clear.
You start to recognize them.
There are not many people who recognize, or are willing to detect those patterns.
Most people don’t care.
They just move, talk and act as they are told.
But some people are different.
Some have reached this third dimension with a different energetic signature, just to help humanity get out of the matrix.
They can recognize the patterns, and will show them to other souls who are trying to understand the whole picture within the matrix.
The matrix will always show you a little portion of the truth.
covered by layers of lies and propaganda - it’s hiding the patterns, keeping people out of focus.
it will create scenarios for us, so we don't recognize those patterns.
The result: we are out of focus.
Scattered, frightened. confused
We focus on those scenarios, instead of the deeper meaning of events and why they happen.
So instead of focusing on a hidden pattern, we focus on insignificant things.
Within our soul essence,
We know that we are here to learn, experience and help others.
Deep within we know, that we are an essence of vast consciousness with wonderful abilities
But the second we are born, we find ourselves in a weak and fragile body, with a limited lifespan, and with a weak mind, that jumps around from one desire to another
This is a kind of a mental prison.
The entities of the time dimension, can put an entire group to sleep for a period of weeks, and transport them into another layer.
When you wake up in the morning, you will wake up to an alternate reality, and you won't even know it.
They can move an entire group and even an entire population into another dimension, the sensitive among you will understand that they have moved.
You will see the same people around you, but something is different in the air, something has changed in the energy.
The reason they can do this is because everyone's consciousness is inside a simulation, this also appears in the Bible at certain points in several places.
These are life transitions that these beings make, when you undergo a consciousness transformation, you move to better living conditions that reflect on your new vibration, within this hologram.
With compassion and love
Orelia Shailan
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