The first type is the souls of the earthlings - Created for this earth, they are meant to be here, they love to be here in this world.
In fact, before they come down here, they seek to come and reincarnate again and again to the earth missions.
They like company, are very sociable, they like material things, they like to go out and have a good time, they like a routine and a stable jobs’ and a stable life.
The pleasures of this world make them happy.
Some of them live in a reasonable to very good financial situation, and by and large, they like to arrange for themselves good living conditions as much as possible.
The political and world situation will always interest them, and they will be active partners in their opinions about what is happening in the world and in general.
These are the "sons of ANASH".
And this category is divided into two:
Human souls who undergo a transformation into lights, to help humanity, because they understand this world very well, they are a part of it, and the earth and materiality is a part of them.
Human souls who descend into shells and make agreements with dark beings, in order to inhabit darkness within them in exchange for good living conditions:
good health conditions, or honor or money or power and be loved, at the expense of general humanity.
Since the human Gene is mixed with several species,
It is up to the souls of human beings to decide whether they create agreements with light or darkness, and allow external entry and intervention into their human Gene, for good or bad.
They look very earthly on the outside, they love good food, beautiful clothes, beautiful houses, beautiful stuff, some of them will make "cosmetic repairs" continuously to preserve the earthly appearance.
You can also identify them by their walk, slow, heavy, stable and earthy, most of them with a strong and powerful energy that is close to the earth, they are charged from it, and they work, even if subconsciously, with the earthy energy to channel strong energy into them.
The second type is Starseed Souls.
They can be called by several names, ET, or souls from other dimensions of consciousness and other planets.
In fact they know they are not from here.
This world doesn't work out for them, most of them were born with sensitivities, allergies, Difficulty breathing, sensitivities to foods, Ordinary food usually doesn't interest them, spiritual food is like water for them.
They like to be alone, they look for their peace, it is difficult for them in crowded places, or social events, they will look to engage in unusual work, most of them are independent, most of them enter in their inner world and can shut themselves there for hours or even whole days.
Some of them fall into depression, they experience difficulty in generating inner joy, they experience memories of having experienced life on other planets, they have an almost constant desire to "return home" and the intention is not this planet of course.
In the scale of these souls are the indigo children, rainbow children and more, they find it difficult to be happy when they know that this world is not their original world, they will always feel like "guests" here and not members of the house.
They cannot tolerate evil, or injustice that is done to someone else.
They have a huge and sensitive and loving heart, they are frequently sensitive in an intensifying way, some of them are psychic, and some are "open" to the worlds beyond.
And when there is positive energy in their environment, they flourish, negative energy physically hurts them to the point of extreme discomfort.
They love any source of water, art, music, some will go to extreme activities to feel the fast vibrations that their energy produces.
They are very sensitive to the vibrations of the earth, therefore during this period when the planet increases its vibration, most of them experience unpleasant sensations on their body, it doesn't feet with their original vibration.
Political situation doesn't interest them, in fact nothing related to national intrigues does not interest them, in short, you will not see them close to the "news" on television.
Most of them will not want to start a family or have children in order not to generate additional karma for future generations.
Their outward appearance is similar to their source planets.
The third type of souls is angels.
And they are divided into two.
fallen angels, and angels of light who volunteered to hold frequencies and distribute them in this sphere.
The first part of Fallen Angels doesnt come from planets, they come from other layers of consciousness that are related to the upper light.
Fallen angels are beings of light who descended to this planet to perform a divine mission for the benefit of humanity, and sinned.
They are mentioned in several historical records, in the Bible, in the New Testament, in the MAIAN records, in the Khartoum writings in Egypt and more.
Their sin is that they came here and interfered in the human Gene, in order to sow here a population of humanity that would work for them and worship them.
Some of the fallen angels mingled with the humans and seeded a new colony on this planet.
The fallen angels are usually in positions of power, or large key positions in large companies or influential business centers.
The second part of the angels:
These are the angels of lightת who came down here voluntarily inside a human body.
They reached a very clear goal.
They can hold s difficult frequencies within themselves, transfer within themselves a transformation, and spread them on corrected and improved, to help humanity evolve to a higher place of consciousness.
Characteristics of angels of light who have come here:
they are solitary, but not from a place of separation, but from a place of inner peace.
you will not see them in society, Or In a very crowded place.
And if they are there, they usually sit to the side quietly.
They are independent, they have inner joy, they go through difficult challenges, most of them volunteered to go through a challenging journey of life, from a place of learning, and not from a place of victimization.
They can fence against difficult life challenges without breaking, they carry energetic frequency.
They don't like lies, they can feel energies from any distance on the planet, including multidimensional energies.
They, like the starseeds, know they don't belong here, but love humanity a great love without distinctions.
Humanity is the reason they incarnate themselves here, to teach them what true love and compassion is, because these are the original codes mixed within the human gene.
And they have a divine mission in the name of God, to spread the original energy from within themselves, further.
When an angel in a human body enters into a room or public space, the strong energy is felt for great distances, the reason being that it carries corrected and healing frequencies within them..
They can see and communicate mundane and multidimensional information, from every direction, past, present and future, they enter different levels of consciousness effortlessly, even when they are fully awake.
They do not use the "third eye", they see from higher sources that are not connected to the earthly body, they know that they are a "volunteer transmitter of energy" and that is how they work.
They will not brag anywhere about their amazing abilities, they have no need for fame or worldly ego-inflating, for them it has no purpose.
They will do most of their actions for the benefit of humanity quietly, without looking for "witnesses" and documentation or approvals,
to their "wonders".
There is no one to pick them up if they fall into difficult frequencies, and they know that's how it should be, the second they feel energetically drained, they fill themselves up from within themselves again.
They know how to activate the high frequencies they came with along the way, they didn't "learn" it anywhere, it's already embedded in them, from the day they were born.
They gave interdimensional consent, to be transmitters of frequencies to spread this knowledge to anyone who would need it, and not for personal gain.
They came to this planet to be a signal amplifier, and to bring the knowledge of these dimensions here so that you can activate them and help humanity evolve.
They allow their earthly body to be a biological energy field like a frequency transmitter, which reaches from the inside out to anyone who needs it.
Therefore they are more exposed than usual to energetic attacks on a daily basis.
They have supernatural abilities.
They can be identified by their infinite subtlety.
the strong frequencies they emit even if they don't say a word, which is love and compassion.
And in general their essence and appearance is angelic and delicate, they have delicate celestial face, and the feeling of those who are next to them, that they are less earthly dense, "airy".
Their walk is fast, half in the air, and in addition they seem to be half floating even in their terrestrial movements.
So where is the source light in all this?
The matrix as I have experienced in deep journeys and out of body experiences, the matrix exists in seven dimensional layers, in these seven planes there are seven rings of simulations.
No one talks about the first and second dimension, everyone talks about the third, fifth and beyond.
Below us there are two more dimensions, also a matrix.
layers of consciousness.
And if everything is light, then this is about light in different resolutions, light in different densities.
So the source light, send all its light branches at every possible level of density, in order to experience first hand,
to expand.
We know that the universe and all universes are in a constant state of infinite expansion
Infinite within infinite within infinite, and so on.
Therefore, there are countless dimensions of consciousness, not only in the external world, but also in the internal world of each and every one of you.
The material within the seven simulations is translated into vibrations of light at different speeds.
The speed of the fluctuations of human energy, and the fluctuations of divine energy.
Light is a wave pattern with high oscillating speed.
Darkness is light with a low oscillation speed.
Each of you, from the moment you are born, is trying to decipher your energy.
In your human journey, you will learn to recognize the external energy and act by your higher part in harmony.
The whole point here is the connection, that the higher part of you from the dimensions of your original consciousness, connects to the earthly you, and you work together in harmony.
You are tuned into a wave of energy in a very specific spectrum that comes from your higher source.
Because, each dimension you come from, an energy spectrum wave is aimed at it that is very unique to you.
You will begin to understand the technology of your body, and you will be able to use it to help others as well as yourself.
To which part as energetic souls do you identify yourself?
With compassion and love
Orelia Shailan
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