The Book of Life & Death - part 22 The spirals model offers a new understanding regarding the stages of development of human values and consciousness in the earthly initiation and what needs to happen in order to move from stage to stage. The model presents 8 main stages of human development, divided into 2 levels, with room for new development. The principles of the model present a spiral development path that must be followed in order to progress. The path of development is the same for every person, no matter where he was born, in what period, under what circumstances, there is a predictable process which will take place. When the map of the stages of consciousness is understood, we can make more conscious decisions about choosing a profession, relationship, residence, nutrition and the nature of life. All we have to do is figure out what our spiral is. Each new spiral is a gradual development with many conflicts that we have to overcome. No development happens all at once. Every event in our experience is affected by a variety of forces, circumstances and dimensions that produce layers of cause and effect, with different narratives for each participant. In a human body we get a linear 3D experience, supported by a 4th dimension infrastructure, of vital processes and time. Time allows us to develop in a gradual and sincere way, with a narrative and entire theater of human drama that provides metaphors and lessons of change and growth. Remember that the spiral dynamics model is just a model. It is not reality itself. Therefore it is very important not to read the words as a new ideology that has come to convert you to another truth. See where the information I lay out before you meets you in your personal experience. I promise you that throughout the reading, this content will feel familiar to you, as if it has already existed in you for a long time. It is as if I am just reminding you of an old tune that is familiar to you from a previous life.
Graves' research revealed that the development of values has a certain direction. Every development has to go through a transformation dilemma. This explains the fact that positions and beliefs that we adhere to at relatively young ages, change at later ages with a different perception, and when it happens there is a transformation of consciousness. We will learn that such transformations can take longer, if local conditions limit changes.
Stage 1: Beige - human consciousness without values or ethics The developed intellectual mind is the aspect that separates us from other animals. There are animals whose instinctive motor brain runs the show, such as lizards and insects. There are other animals such as mammals, where the emotional system is dominant. According to Darwin's suggestions, we are animals with a developed intellect, and thus we are able to activate the 5 minds - motor, instinctive, sexual, emotional and intellectual in a harmonious way. According to conventional science today, man is a development created from the ape family. Thousands of books and articles supporting natural selection have been written, and this truth is displayed with great pride. This is of course a mistake and I will expand on this in the chapters on cosmogenesis, the kingdoms of life, human races and subraces. Conventional science is not aware of and does not mention the other pole of evolution, which is of course devolution. According to conventional science, history circles and archaeology, the first civilization was created 6000 years ago in the Mesopotamia region. Until then, humanity lived in a tribal way, and long before that in the format of living in caves. Science claims that more or less a million years ago, there was a separation of monkeys and ancient human races that began to develop in an accelerated manner. The spirals model took this conventional - exoteric hypothesis and used it to describe the first stages of human development. This is exactly the reason why I chose to start with this model. It is still conventional enough for you to connect and identify with it at this point. But all this is going to change very quickly. For that matter, let's allow ourselves to accept Darwin's hypothesis without objections. Natural physiological, biological, genetic development and evolution led to the creation of humans out of monkeys. We know our motor and sexual systems react just like animals. It is a survival remnant that continues to function in everyday life even in modern times, through desires and fears that come from the subconscious. This is the need for immediate satisfaction. Like animals, our physical and biological systems require the fulfillment of safety and sexual needs. Like animals, traumas can bring our system into a state of catatonic stasis. In addition, our physiological system works similarly to animals in an emotional sense as well. Every vibration of an emotional frequency affects chemistry, adrenaline, dopamine, any immune or digestive process, blood pressure, etc. In general, all cells and atoms in our body are affected by the quality of our balance at any given moment, with the same processes and effects as in the animal kingdom, from simple animals like crabs to more advanced mammals. The latest addition to humans is the intellectual system that allows us the capacity of memory, cognitive insights, comparison, division into categories, planning and critical thinking. Since we received the tools of the intellect, humanity has placed this ability at the top of the pyramid in terms of importance, and thus we can witness studies that rely mainly on memory and analytical thinking. According to the model, it is not a mistake to say that the human beige stage begins with separation from the animal kingdom. Later in the book we will learn many theories that contradict the current model of evolution and present a completely different reality of development. The issue that interests us at this point is not the way in which man separated from the animal world or the period in which it happened, but the fact that we have kingdoms with completely different spiritual and creative abilities, which bypass the plant world, the animal world and the three-dimensional human kingdom, in many levels of ability and complexity. Each kingdom of minerals, plants, animals and people has 7 subsections until the ascension task of each race is completed. This means that even in the kingdoms of minerals, plants and animals there are hierarchies that manage the energies, with classes that must be surpassed in order to continue to a higher kingdom. Our model begins with the separation of lower kingdoms into the human being. In each earthly incarnation we re-enter a human body in order to complete spiritual and developmental lessons. The first times we experimented in a human body were not easy. After many incarnations as minerals, plants and animals, we have to rediscover how to move limbs, how to use the human mind, how to deal with emotions and pain, instructions, reading and writing, opinions and beliefs, all of which are new to us, or at least are in a very distant memory of old cycles . The beige stage symbolizes the beginning of the spectrum of human consciousness and values. This is the most basic stage in human consciousness, a collective human stage that also exists in our time, but is on the margins of society, without the ability to make decisions independently or consciously. Dealing with this stage and the quality of its treatment, depends unequivocally on the quality of consciousness and values of the collective of any local authority.So who were the first people who lived here after the separation from the animal kingdom? What did they look like and what did they do with their time? The first collective human development was not much different from the animal world. Conventional history teaches us that the first people lived in caves. Small cells of 5 - 10 individuals that survived the wild life, with a basic way of being, without organization, agenda or laws, without myths, beliefs or opinions about reality, without technology or conscious creative ability. The cavemen are the first collective stage of humanity. There is no beige stage civilization in the world today, however every new soul is being born into the beige stage or degenerates into it. The psychology of the beige phase is a compressed life full of danger and uncertainty from moment to moment. Eat what you can, when you can, while you can. It would be impossible for such people to get along in any contemporary society, since every civilization requires some obedience to social laws. In individual human terms, the beige stage symbolizes the moment when we are born as human babies. Unlike the animal kingdom, as human babies we are unable to walk or try to find food independently. We depend on others to take care of all our needs. The intellect and consciousness are not yet sufficiently active. All of our being is activated by the subconscious, and this learning process will continue dominantly until the age of 7 or so. After the age of 7 and with the beginning of the conditioning of the earthly matrix, the children's brain begins to flow through alpha and beta waves, as opposed to theta brain waves at earlier ages. Newborn babies aren't the only ones who can be classified as Stage of beige. At this stage, there are also geriatric elders who are unable to take care of themselves, or who have lost the cognitive ability to remember or communicate. This stage also includes people in closed institutions who have been locked into a catatonic state where the body is in stasis due to traumas or a complete lack of emotional inclusion. Terminally ill, victims who entered the market, people with cognitive disabilities, patients with advanced schizophrenia and those who are mentally and emotionally unable to live independently without outside help - fall into this category. Not every person who is unable to function in society is in the beige stage, but everyone who is in the beige stage is unable to function in society. People who are in the beige stage depend on the collective values of the country they are in. Unforgiving societies in human history have not bothered to deal with the disabled or the cognitively impaired. In earlier times such people would have met their end in the first moments of their lives. As human consciousness advances to higher levels, the inner ethics rises accordingly. In more advanced stages, the human society takes care of housing and treating cases of beige stages as well. The fields of welfare, rights, medicine, psychology and psychiatry were given a logical status, as humanity evolved to higher levels of values. In order for us to progress from one stage to another, we need to have significant enough challenges that will cause the need, understanding and assimilation of new patterns of action, emotion and thinking. This is called in the language of the model "transformation dilemmas". Without transformation dilemmas and challenges, there won't be enough reasons and triggers to want to learn new things. This is why human life on the earthly plane is so challenging. Without a challenge, pain or difficulty to overcome, the average person does not have enough reasons to motivate themselves to transcendence. Collectively, transcending the beige stage required the first people to decide to band together, in order to create a more effective autonomy for survival and prosperity. Individually, in order to rise above the beige stage, the baby needs to be treated with enough love to start recognizing the parents, respond to facial expressions and sitting down. Most people in the world go through the beige stage in a relatively normal way from the moment of birth and until the age of 6 months, and this is the moment when a new stage of consciousness opens. Collectively or individually, the beige phase does not play a role in making personal or social decisions. This stage is on the fringes of any society where there is a center of gravity and a higher consciousness. Right now that means anywhere in human geography.
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