We have talked about this many times, 144 is a code.
We know that there is not just one sun, but 12 suns, we see between the dimensions of their reflections through the layers of this Sphere.
12 months, 12 tribes, 12 zodiac signs, 12 counts, 12 dimensions, 12 apostles, 12 commandments, 12 hours in the day, 12 hours in the night.
12 times 12 = 144.
And of course 144,000 light messengers who arrive in all layers of time to help humanity develop from within themselves.
The synchronicities we get around this number in the last two years are simply beyond national logic, in the last six months it has already become ridiculous - down to the precision of a decimal point...
There is nothing in this creation that is "just" or "accidental"
So we started paying attention to time.
This code sits on time.
Like a stopwatch whose countdown has started.
Two days ago we woke up to the morning of an earthquake not far from where we are. The whole house received a shock, and this was a promo for what is happening in the world now.
Mother Earth shakes above her frequencies that are not adapted to her
And of course we interpreted the matter from esoteric points of view while looking deeply at our development and dimensional increase first of all from within ourselves..
Everyone of all humanity looks at situations from their own point of view.
I woke up this morning to a world that is on alert and at war, the borders in Israel are closed, and I must point out that this did not really surprise us, we saw all this happening several months ago.
The sky is closed, there is no going out and no coming.
And this is exactly the time to look inside and check where our limits are
What did we give up?
What did we not compromise on?
A general assessment of our life
And here we come to very interesting conclusions.
Different perspectives for different people
I heard this morning about the situation happening in Israel, and then I came across interesting messages under the same group, one of the writers is in the north of the country, explosions over her head, without alarms, they are fortified in the houses, and in the same correspondence of the messages I suddenly see a correspondence from a completely different dimension, a complete disconnection from contemporary reality, I won't go into detail to respect the second writer, what I will point out is that there were body parts that she is not happy with while completely ignoring the emotional and mundane situation that is happening around her right now...
A conversation was created from two different poles.
One correspondence that includes the rule, environmental sensitivity and care
and a second correspondence in self-centeredness, while completely ignoring the rule
Those who have seen My husband Gil's videos on the spiral model, will understand the importance of being in two parallel dimensions at a different frequency.
You can be at a frequency of joy, confidence, courage - this is the starting point of your energetic place.
And the conversationalist who speaks in front of you with a frequency of fear, anger, hatred and more - this is the starting point of his energetic place.
The conversation that will take place between these two people will never meet, these are different frequencies, it's like speaking Chinese to a Frenchman, when no one understands the other's language, and each tries to "pull" the interlocutor in front of him to "understand" his side.
As you understood, I don't "take sides" - just observe
And I looked at it from a slightly different perspective.
Most of the country is now subject to a different reality, half of the country is in a stressed frequency, and the other half, well, in another dimension.
The changing of the poles that is happening these days activates different frequencies on the souls here on the planet
You choose your perspectives.
You are the ones who choose what frequency you want to be when the change happens
I am talking to you from where our dear ones are in the heart of the storm in Israel
And in the hands of all of us to open our hearts and create the reality we want to enter.
Human consciousness is as powerful as a nuclear reactor mine, but we have forgotten how to use it.
Now we begin to activate our consciousness to the higher powers to create reality.
Also in our previous posts and videos throughout the last year we expanded on the subject, that when the moment comes when we have to use our strengths, we will have to activate a high frequency quickly to adjust ourselves to the frequency of Mother Earth.
Earthquakes around the world, wars, extreme climate changes, and one humanity that is split into many different frequencies and different perspectives.
And yet, in spite of all this, there is a split of global emotional dimensions, between man and his fellow man
And - yes also between family members who share the same family garden.
It is in the hands of all of us to activate the strong frequencies of compassion and love and create a strong energy field for world change to happen.
It is in the hands of all of us to make a frequent assessment of the situation,
What frequencies draw the life force from you - people who try to draw you to their low place, and not evil, God forbid, they simply cannot generate energy from themselves,
So they activate triggers on you so that you leak out of yourself, directly to those who eat your light.
Whereas frequencies increase the energy signal for you - people who are stable in their frequency and do not draw your energy from you, simply because they don't need to, they activate an energy reactor from within themselves, and respect your frequency place.
Chose life.
With compassion and love
Orelia Shailan
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