The Book of Life & Death - part 2 Without real and practical spirituality we are in a mental and emotional prison, functioning as gatekeepers of our beliefs and ideology, fanatical and obsessive to our perspectives, one-sided defenders of unethical acts and opposed to any other truth. Without spirituality we only receive what the senses can absorb, we only learn what the government decides we should learn, we only watch what the political system wants us to watch, we only read what the educational system wants us to read, we take without question any medicine that the health system invented for us. Without spirituality we have no new concepts or new ideas with which we create a new reality. Without spirituality we do not have the direct experience that removes and frees any inner and intellectual doubt. The Earth's stratum powers do not want us awake. It wants us lethargic, sick, desperate. It wants us to be a regular customer of medicines, a good consumer of brands, and with a good debt to the banking systems. The matrix has no interest in you asking questions, let alone taking different steps. For the earthly matrix spiritual awakening is rebellion. Although the word rebellion connotes conspiratorial subversion and opposition to the norm, what is a norm if not a direct result and projection of culture and era. The norm changes every few years. Scientific truths that were considered absolute, about which books were written, find themselves in the garbage collection of concepts a few years later. Theories that were previously perceived as grandiose and sophisticated, always find themselves in the graveyard of ideas in the test of time.Isn't it time to go beyond concepts, to see through theories? Hasn't the time come to say "enough" to the inner doubt, to skepticism, to the mechanical and material life and to get your head out of the sandbox and hiding. Isn't it time to start discovering your inner truth independently without asking for permission to think and act differently?
But what does it even mean to wake up spiritually? What is spirituality? In Western society, the concept of spirituality has degenerated, gradually turning from the most important aspect of life, to the most neglected, the most ridiculous, the most marginal. One that makes people raise an eyebrow and arrogantly declare that spirituality is a hodgepodge of nonsense and childish imagination that cannot be confirmed and does not need serious consideration. And so life after life, unconscious souls return to new bodies, only to find themselves repeating the same mistakes and failing earthly initiation. In addition, there are countless cases of people who declared themselves spiritual and enlightened, but in reality their consciousness was still trapped in the ego. They did not follow the cosmic principles and thus they found themselves hurting the souls who asked for help and guidance. Such people will pay their karma in the next bodies.
There is no doubt that the many challenges of Earth’s initiation is no small matter. Human devolution has left us with degenerated endocrine glands that do not allow access to spiritual and metaphysical senses humanity knew in earlier ages. Today we are in an age of limited senses that are wired for survival but not for awakening, so our physical eyes are indeed open, but we are completely blind to all the layers beyond matter and physical form. Access to higher levels provides us with direct information regarding truths that we could only intellectually or intuitively guess at the mundane level. But such a truth is not for every human being. The truth about ourselves, our past lives, all the deeds we have done in the past and who we really are, can be difficult to contain mentally and emotionally, even for the most balanced people. Therefore it would be correct to state that the spiritual journey is for the bravest. Those who want to build resilience and inclusiveness to see the truth about the past, the present and what will happen to humanity soon.
To awaken spiritually means to exist, experience and be aware of reality and life as a multidimensional being that is simultaneously in several layers of existence. To awaken spiritually is to see beyond the concealing curtains of the earthly layer, beyond the physical senses, beyond the constructions of complex cells. To awaken spiritually means to release all ego components and psychological defects from within. People like to talk about the earthly matrix that draws us into an unconscious coma, but the truth is that there are many types of matrix, different levels of concealment, many dimensions of information we all need to know, otherwise the map of our journey and the real mission for which we came, will not resonate in our consciousness. When we are absorbed in the earthly concealment we do not remember. We play unconscious roles of intellectual human theater, conditioned by beliefs and prejudices, based on the society and culture in which we live.
Spirituality is not belonging to a group of ideology or culture. Spirituality is not a community or commune of people who believe in the same dogma. Spirituality is not found in beliefs or expecting reality to behave as expected. Spirituality is not going to asana classes and performing acrobatics and it is not dancing to trance sounds under the influence of acid. Spirituality does not exist by forcing relative truth on people or manipulating people's free will. Spirituality does not depend on the color of your clothes, the length of your hair, the number of tattoos and earrings or the amount of books you read or the niche music you listen to. Spirituality is not a religion that requires painful and humiliating rituals and limits the freedom to act and think independently. Spirituality is not following the instructions of an external authority. Spirituality is not found in abstinence from sex or in seclusion in the mountains without human contact. Spirituality is not found in the ego or the desires of the ego. Spirituality does not exist in the triggers of lust and greed, fear, anger and survival. Anything that embodies these qualities on the earthly level cannot be spiritual. That's why you should pay close attention to who the people are from whom you take daily inspiration and example.
Spirituality is our ability to release all the conditionings, to peel off the shells of the ego one after the other, to release the dependence on any external authority that claims to represent the absolute truth, to renounce any ideology and the standards through which it instructs how to act and think. Spirituality is the creation of our inner authority, of independent investigation, direct experience, personal experience, learning and successfully meeting life's challenges. Spirituality is our ability to see the lesson in every event, to experience the metaphor and reflection in every dilemma, to illuminate the soul bodies so that they can be a vehicle for the true spirit and essence within us. Spirituality opens for us access to medicine, information and higher guidance through which we know for sure that we are never alone. Every action, every sound and every thought we put out of us produces material that changes the texture of the entire reality. Everything is recorded in the akash and therefore everything we do or think generates negative or positive karma for which we will have to pay. Spirituality is the inner knowledge that nothing is random, everything has a reason, every consequence has a root. Coincidence is just a misunderstood universal principle. True spirituality is our ability to follow the universal principles despite the worldly concealment and temptations and to be primary witnesses to the way reality twists, straightens and translates itself around the frequency we produce. This is precisely why spirituality must be practical, otherwise it is just a word without value. Fortunately for us, spirituality contains not only an approach to a better life, but effective practices through which we can heal ourselves, release emotional sediments, rewire the subconscious, illuminate the bodies of the soul and remove from us any psychological defect that manifests itself through our actions and thinking.
In order for us to awaken spiritually, the first step is to be aware of the various layers of concealment. We cannot wake up if we are not aware that we are asleep. If we accept with wonder all the external appearances, with material and animalistic desires continuing to fascinate us, if our consciousness is saturated with fantasies and idle thoughts, it will not be a coincidence that life passes before our eyes like a passive film in which we play the role of an extra. The first step is to get out of the box and start asking important questions. Are we awake or asleep, are we in charge of life or do we give the reins to external factors, do we do what we want to do or just please other people, are the decisions we make logical or based on fear, anger, lust and other desires, Did our actions and thoughts lead to positive results or are we lying to ourselves and trying to hide the truth from other people, are we giving room for real healing or continue to drag the same pain years after years. Playtime in the sandbox is over. It is time for humanity to look itself in the eyes and start asking the hard questions. Especially the ones that people prefer to avoid or sweep under the rug. skepticism, relying on the intellect leads nowhere. It's time to start asking hard questions about ourselves and see reality as it actually is. Start Shailan’s Gnostic Initiation program: Discover The esoteric work that eliminates suffering and karma. - Learn secret doctrine and the mysteries of life and death of Gnostic Kabbalah - Apply and live by the divine Universal laws - Practice pranayama and meditation to comprehend and eliminate psychological defects. - Release traumas through breathing and tremors- Raise the kundalini force safely and create your solar bodies using white alchemy - Practice the art of channeling, lucid dreaming, Astral projection and much more. Start our initiation now - Get the first 3 modules free of charge.